Friday, November 26, 2010

Post Thanksgiving thoughts

What a great idea someone had to have a Thanksgiving Day. It dates back to 1621 and the Pilgrims feast but the first official Thanksgiving holiday was proclaimed in 1863 by President Abraham Lincoln. It is basically an American holiday. It is a shame all people in all countries do not celebrate a day of Thanksgiving. We  have much to be thankful for in the United States, Despite our recent recession and other political issues our country has been blessed beyond measure. God is Good!! Last night as I sat by the fireplace with the fire roaring, just after watching football and overeating a fabulous meal I thought how fortunate I have been in my life. I know the Lord as personal savior, I have a beautiful and loving wife, the Lord allowed me to adopt two unbelievable girls and I had a career that provided me with  hundreds of friends and a lifetime of memories. Thank You Lord!!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Frankly Speaking Launch

This begins the era of Frankly Speaking my new blog. I am at a time in my life where I want to give back in some small way for the extraordinary blessings I have received in my life. My blog will include free membership tips for those in the Private club membership business, ideas and best practices I am seeing when it comes to church growth, church marketing and communications. I hope to also make friends and colleagues laugh. "A merry heart doeth good as a medicine" Sorry I am old and memorized scripture in the old King James version of the Bible. Tomorrow I travel to The Grove community church in Riverside California, an amazing place where lives are being changed by the power of God, and just think I get to help! How lucky can a guy get. Along with my blog I will also be Tweeting, I know what your thinking Is Frank going through mid life crisis, actually I am well past midlife, Just trying to stay relevant. My pastor wrote in a book a gave me once and I quote "Frank, what are you going to do with your one and only life" So I want to make a difference!Signed up for Hey Tell this week a cool IPhone app, audio hands free texting SWEET! a Mac desktop, IPhone 4G and just a month or so from an IPad (Christmas hint for the FAM), anyone want to Face Time? Love you all!!